Max Kepler, Founder
Max began dancing Argentine tango in October of 1996 while living in Los Angeles, where she studied broadly for four years with local and traveling instructors. Since 2001 she has danced and taught in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Boston, Denver, and Baltimore. As a result, she brings with her an ability to connect on the dance floor at a level that transcends regional variation. Max truly enjoys both leading and following people of all genders and is highly amused by frequent opportunities to lead men who outweigh her by 80-90%.
Max founded Queer Seattle Tango in March of 2010 as a way of making Argentine tango accessible in her new home community, especially to LGBTQ-identified folks like herself.
Some of the ways in which Max is proud to have contributed to the building of the Queer Tango scene in the United States include:
- Founder of the U.C. San Diego Argentine Tango group, 2001, Club President, 2001-2003
- Pioneering female leader in the then very-traditional San Diego tango scene, 2000-2004
- Co-founder and host of San Diego's first weekly Women's practica, 2002-2003
- Regular leader and follower, teacher of "Tango from Zero," and volunteers coordinator at the Tango Center, Eugene, Oregon, 2005-2009
- Argentine Tango instructor for LezDance (Eugene-Springfield's lesbian dance club) 2008-2009
- Invited instructor at the International Queer Tango Festival, San Francisco, 2011
- Invited guest instructor for Abrazo Queer Tango, San Francisco, 2011-2014
- Invited instructor at Seattle's annual Gender Odyssey conference, 2011-2012.
- Invited tango instructor at the Emerald City Hoedown, 2011-2012
- Invited guest instructor for Queer Tango Boston, 2011-2013
- Hosting and promotion of visiting Queer Tango teachers in Seattle, 2010-2012
- Invited guest instructor International Queer Tango Festival, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013
- Founder of Dance Kepler, offering LGBTQ-friendly tango instruction in the Seattle area, 2010-present
- Founder of Queer Seattle Tango, offering LGBTQ-oriented group classes in Argentine Tango, 2010-present
Max is recognized by tango dancers and teaching colleagues across the U.S., for her playful and versatile dancing and for providing instruction that is technically precise, yet easily accessible. Her interactive teaching style empowers students to take their tango learning into their own hands because she believes that, ultimately, each individual must discover their own path in their life-long learning of tango.
Max's class offerings through Queer Seattle Tango are inclusive of all students who enjoy learning in an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation.
In her teaching process she incorporates elements from her training in ballet, partnered jazz improv, tai chi, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and rehabilitative fitness education.
In Max's classes you will develop dance skills through guided cooperative games and exercises, in a way that is gentle, safe, playful, and fun. You can find current class listings for Queer Seattle Tango here:
Queer Seattle Tango main page
Max is also available for individual, couples, and small group private instruction. Contact her at (425-522-2481) for more information, or to book a private lesson.
